
Cooking with Shirley


Hi, my name is Shirley. I grew up at the tail end of the depression and during World War II when there was lots of food rationing. Sugar, flour, coffee, meat, and many other items were rationed, and you could only get a limited amount each month. Also, people didn't have much money. Times were tough.

We moved to an older farmhouse with 8 acres when I was 3 and when my mother was expecting her second child. We had a barn and a chicken coup. We bought some milking cows, some chickens, some rabbits and got some cats to keep the rodents controlled. We also had a dog. It was a lovely little valley with a river nearby. We could hear that river rippling over the rocks, and we swam in the icy water on hot days.

We had a victory garden each summer and mother would can all sorts of vegetables, fruits, jams and jellies. We had berries, and what we didn't have, we would pick out in the woods or at farms that allowed "u-pick" at a cheaper rate. We had a freezer and a root cellar. Dad would go hunting in the fall in eastern Washington and bring back a couple of boxes of red and yellow delicious apples and cases of oranges and grape-fruit. Our root cellar contained potatoes, beets, turnips, and various other root vegetables that would last part of the winter. Stores in those days during the winter months contained a few root vegetables, some winter squash, bananas (sometimes), and iceberg lettuce that was shipped in from California and was very expensive.

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