
Crown of Life Ministries-Home Page


Excerpted from the website:

My name is Charles K Peterson and I became a believer and experienced the regeneration that is in Christ when I turned from sin upon conviction of the Holy Spirit in 1995. I had an experience prior to this at the age of 12 with a Baptist Preacher who drove my school bus in the small town of Doyle, TN. He invited me to church, led me down the Roman Road in his little Orange VW on an old country road and asked me if I believe. I said yes and was baptized but no real change had taken place that I can remember. I confessed with my mouth, I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and went to church every time he picked me up from my house in the country. One day I was sitting in church minding my own business and the Preacher was spitting and hollering hell-fire and damnation and out of nowhere, pointed his finger at me and yelled “and some of us are called to preach” then, A cold chill ran up the back of my spine and I immediately began my denial. It was a few months after that I found some reason to be mad at the preacher and hid in the bushes one Sunday morning he came to pick me up for church. I then began my descent into all manner of hellish debauchery on a path of destruction with alcohol, rock-n- roll and womanizing, fighting and excessive rebellion. So, depending on how you look at it, I was either backslidden 20 some odd years, or I got saved when I was a wretched, pitiful broken man just about to turn thirty. I am reminded of the soil spoken of in the ........ scroll down
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