

  • Check out the AboutUs Design Portal, where most everything dealing with the upcoming site design changes will be posted. Currently we're designing a new logo. There are five concepts posted as well as two new proposals!
  • Apple launches iTunes plus including higher quality, DRM-free tracks! ChrisBabson ChrisBabsonCaricature.jpg







I think that's good; hurts the parking page folks, and helps real content sites. - Ray | talk 22:09, 24 May 2007 (PDT)
  • I don't think the article is quite correct, Google has recently shutting down the accounts of people who have made for adsense websites, this does not include the parking page folks; because advertisers know what they are getting into there. These are the sites that have a little content of high keywords and tons of ads. Then the site owners pay for people to go to there site for cheap and hope they click the Adsense ads and make more money than it cost to bring them to the site.--Simon | talk 09:38, 29 May 2007 (PDT)


"This Deal Is Confirmed" ---Simon | talk 21:48, 23 May 2007 (PDT)
  • TedErnst has a good thought - "I've been thinking about this, and about how much time/energy/effort goes into "zero unpatrolled edits." I'm thinking that to engage non-staff sysops, having unpatrolled edits is good. In fact, I'd suggest that more staff effort towards welcoming and less towards patrolling will lead to more non-staff patrollers. Just a thought." -- MarkDilley
I agree. RC should have about a 1-3 hour lag. Also because I think that people currently editing their pages get confused and feel a little like "big brother is watching" when they are in the process of building pages and they see us fixing the little things we notice in RC. -- TakKendrick
I really like this idea of a lag. I'd suggest the upper end is better. And, every time we get a new excited non-staff patroller, the staff should spend less time patrolling and more time on stuff that's adding more value to the wiki, like welcoming and developing projects that other new people can then get involved in. Staff as patrollers doesn't scale. TedErnst
  • Another step toward the end of 'hard copy' music: the CD single has officially died! It was a horribly understated, albeit overdue, death to boot. Let's have a moment of silence for the elimination of non-essentials! ChrisBabson


  • Bloggers have seen real success with the universal easy to recognize "RSS" button. At RoCoCo we surfaced the idea that the wiki community might also have a symbol, and focusing on the edit button seems most logical. Check out our thoughts to date and please chime in with your thoughts too - Ray | talk 00:09, 23 May 2007 (PDT)




  • AboutUs Mini Picnic


  • Interesting article about a case in California regarding website immunity, a 1996 statute, and the search for a Roommate Kasey


Unpatrolled recent changes Sunday at 10:30 pm

RecentChanges 13-May.png



  • We thought it would be a great idea to introduce the Portland and Lahore offices to one another and the world- wikistyle. Choose a location, then just click on a name below the picture to learn more AboutUs. Kasey
  • A community poll to rename AboutUsBot (IRC bot) is in place due to its obvious confusion with AboutUs:Bot. Your thoughts and ideas are welcomed. Feel free to vote for something relatively short and simple.


  • BarCamp.org is happening in Portland this weekend. Lots of great folks are going to be there!! Please come.


  • The AdultContentPolicy is currently in the "YES" state.... That means that we are above all the thresholds and the DoneTimer is counting up to 48 hours. If nothing changes the DoneTimer will expire 10-May-2007 at 02:22 GMT. Please take a look at AdultContentPolicy and make sure that its current form is still "Good Enough".
  • For comparison, here is the AboutUs main office in SE Portland, OR. Note: we don't occupy the entire Riverpark Suites building, just three rooms! Chris



  • Next time you're hanging out in our IRC chat room, try typing an internal link in the format [[InternalLink]]. Thanks to Nathan, there is now a bot called AboutUsBot (different than AboutUs:Bot) which will automagically convert internal links to their full URL's so that others can easily click on them. For more information and to see what else the bot does check out Nathan's write up here. Thanks Nathan! -- Ray King

AboutUs Lahore Arial Pic.jpg


We have reached the DoneTimer in creating the AboutUs AdultContentPolicy. A lot of progress has been made and we have reached our GoThresholds. We are thrilled at the start of the 48 hour DoneTimer.

This means, if you have participated so far you should return to the AdultContentPolicy and review any changes that may have been made since you last saw it.

  • If you still approve of the policy, no action is needed.
  • If you are unhappy with the policy as is stands you will need to make a change to it soon.

Any edit will reset the DoneTimer. (this is ok as it is part of the process)

This is a critical time for the success of the new AdultContentPolicy. Your continued participation is needed to make sure we make the best decision we possibly can make right now. Please do advocate for the best possible policy!

Seems as if if the GoThresholds drop down again, we are at No - GoThresholds.



Snowboarding in Dubai!
Ray King and Brandon CS Sanders are in Lahore Pakistan right now opening an office. Lots of photos and a complete diary of the trip can be found here.
  • A revolt of sorts is happening at Digg.com. Someone posted HD-DVD's AACS Processing Key, which is the key to unlocking copy-protected High Def movies. Digg deleted the story and some user accounts... then it became the only thing to be talked about! (see the Flickr screenshot)

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