deena douglas, ultimate energy therapy


Deena Douglas Ultimate Energy Therapy | Master Energy Therapist & Energy Coach | Spiritual Response Therapy & 24-Strand DNA Activations available worldwide


Deena Douglas
Olympia Washington
United States 98507


Deena Douglas helps successful people attract the lives they want. The process she does is a simple 3-step process, which uses extremely simple, gentle, non-invasive spiritual healing techniques that can be done worldwide by distance healing.

Step 1: Self-Awareness – You and Deena take a look at what you’d like to change in your life, what has been causing you pain, goals you haven’t been able to achieve, areas where you feel blocked.

Step 2: Energy Release – Deena applies the Energy Therapy techniques by distance that release the energetic blockages.

Step 3: Celebration & Integration – You become aware of the changes occurring in your life, and integrate them so they become a new way of being in the world for you.

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