Title by DenimJumpers

Description is being built to be the most useful site on the web for homeschoolers. At its core, is a directory of links to sites that are helpful on a variety of subjects. In addition to the directory, we are also a powerful search engine to help you locate just what you're looking for. Finally, we also offer community support, helpful subject guides, and valuable shopping links. All these resources, as well as more we're still working on, are intended to make your lives as homeschoolers easier. There's a wealth of helpful material on the Internet, but the trouble has always been FINDING it among the irrelevant, the incorrect, and the just plain immoral. That's where comes in.

Sheri and Paul Lee founded in 2003 to fill a vital need they had become acutely aware of: how to sift through all the junk on the Internet and get truly useful information for homeschooling? After a lot of prayer, we felt led to establish this site. Paul brings his seven years of experience in Web publishing with such sites as, and; Sheri brings her hands-on experience as a homeschool mom with four kids. is based in Leander, Texas, just north of Austin.

The name was another answer to prayer. We wanted something that was sort of fun, but also representative of the homeschool community as a whole. At least in our circles, the unofficial homeschool mom "uniform" has always been the denim jumper. Go to a homeschool convention and you're likely to see a sea of denim jumpers. It's something we've joked about in a friendly way in the past, and it's become a recognized symbol of homeschooling. So, it seemed perfect to name the site DenimJumpers.

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Leander TX
United States 78641

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