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Echelon Corporation, embedded control networking technology


We'll help you stay in control—of your network, your business, your world.

Echelon is a pioneer and world leader in control networks, which connect machines and other electronic devices; embedded control networks, which are networks inside machines that connect tiny sensors and actuators that comprise the workings of a machine, and smart metering, a next-generation utility infrastructure for automated metering and other utility services.

The LonWorks Platform

We created the LonWorks platform, an extremely robust, flexible, and expandable standards-based control networking platform upon which manufacturers can build products and applications with unparalleled reliability, security, operational integrity, flexibility, and bottom-line value. Hundreds of millions of people have experienced a LonWorks based network: They're used everywhere to create control applications that make our lives more comfortable, convenient, and safe. From the Louvre, to the New York City subway system, to Rhoponghi Hills in Tokyo, to Coeur Défense in Paris, to parking at Trei Park in Rome, millions of people every day reap the benefits of control systems based on our LonWorks control networking platform.

The Pyxos Platform

On September 19th, 2005, we introduced the Pyxos Embedded Control Networking Platform and showed the world a new type of network: embedded control networks. The Pyxos platform puts the power of control networks inside of machines, adding functionality while driving down costs. The components of the platform are so small that new applications can be created in areas that were never before considered for a network. Think smart uniforms, smart carpeting, or smart furniture. While a LonWorks network connects boxes, a Pyxos network puts Thinking Inside the Box™.

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