Ennanban.com An online portal and complete directory for all your pet needs

Ennanban is delighted to introduce itself as a team formed by pet lovers, trying to find online solution for all pet needs.

he Mission of this team is to strengthen the pet community network and to provide the relevant information that is in need for them.

It has never been so easy for the pet owners to access the details of the pet service providers. In other words, it's not so straight forward to get the address of the nearest pet doctor or a pet shop or a pet grooming centre. Generally, they have to go through the common online directories and have to refine the data they get.

We understand that for a pet owner, satisfying his/her pet's need is as important as satisfying his own need. Being very difficult to get access to the various service providers for his pet is a very unhappy situation for a pet owner. Considering all these needs and expectations we have launched Ennanban, the online directory for pets.

Being discussed the difficulties of the information seekers, there are of course challenges faced by the other part of the network, that's the service providers, in reaching the audience to publicise their location, deals and services. They might want to take their service and products to the right customer who is ready to acquire or in search of the services provided by them. Helping the service providers in knowing the right size of the target audience, leads them to decide on their expansion and inventory.

We have spent years in analysing the gaps existing in this network. We have strived hard to design a portal which could unite everyone together and strengthen the network, letting the communication between the parties easier and faster. If you are one among pet professionals, pet service providers or pet owners, to know more the way the portal works, please visit 'How it works'.

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