
Dimensions in Special Relativity - a Euclidean interpretation


My physics study began at the technical university of Eindhoven in the Netherlands but was broken off in favor of a career as a professional musician. After five years of music, it seemed wiser to take up studying again. That revived study was finished with a bachelor's degree in electrotechnics after which I accepted a job as an ICT project leader and consultant at a global chemicals company which has been my work since 1986.

Around the end of 2002, the interest in physics drove me to pick up the original study again in my free evening hours as an autodidact. Input for this study was provided by the physics program of the university of Leiden, the Netherlands, as well as course material that could be downloaded from the web. This still keeps me busy on an irregular basis as time permits. I roughly estimate my own level at upper undergraduate but that is probably better judged by others.

What motivates me to post all this stuff on my website is the sincere conviction that at least some of my ideas make sense. It stimulates when I recognize similarities in articles of other -professional- authors, something that indeed happens quite regularly (see e.g. the links section). For the unwary visitor who happens to stumble over my pages in search of lecture notes or other study material I have put some appropriate remarks here and there to make clear that there is no mainstream physics here.

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