

Original: Flower of the Court - Fleur Delacour/Clemence Poesy

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Original: The original and largest fansite for the French actress Clemence Poesy.

Current: The original and largest Fleur Delacour fansite.


Started: 5.10.05

Age: 1 1/2 years

Hits Since: Over 170,000

Owned by: Megan Anderson


Originally Fleur-Delacour.com was a small Fleur Delacour/Clemence Poesy fansite entitled Flower of the Court (nicknamed FOTC). It didn't have a whole lot of information, and it did not get many hits. But within a few months, the site became a Clemence Poesy/Fleur Delacour fansite as the webmistress began to learn more about the French actress, and became more interested in her. FOTC soon became a powerhouse, and the most reliable source for Clemence Poesy on the web, with even Wikipedia and IMDB using the site extensively. It had more images than any other, with said pictures often being exclusive, hard-to-find visuals.

But as the site grew, Fleur-Delacour.com had to find a new host. With no money to pay, it took refuge at a then good, and reliable free host, LBN. After the release of the 4th Harry Potter movie (in which the Poesy played the character after whom the domain is named, Fleur Delacour) interest in the actress sky-rocketed and Flower of the Court began eating up 70GB of bandwidth, along with 2,000 MB of space. Their host was only too happy to oblige them with more. There was also around 2,000 members of the Fleur-Delacour.com forum, J'adore. All of them seemed kind to the webmistress, and devoted to the site.

Then on January 18th, at 8:15pm a disgruntled visitor of LBN hacked the sites host. Every hostee and all their information and files were deleted. Flower of the Court had lost nearly everything, except what the owner had on her computer of the last layout change, and from when she moved the gallery. Most of the information and 2,000 images were saved, but all the videos that FOTC had so painstakinly found were gone. The webmistress had only a week to get up a temporary layout and site before she had to move. She was gone from mid February to mid April.

This opened a door of opprotunity for the Clemence Poesy rival sites. They soon took dominion over the fandom, but there was something worse. When the owner, Megan, returned to her site she found it full of spam and angry messages that she had taken so long to return. The spam, it turned out, was from previous members of the J'adore forums. One member, "Ish" had started his own forum in her absence and had begun spamming the site, and impersonating staff members, saying that Fleur-Delacour.com had a new forum called Pretty Poesy. This was not true and the webmistress made it clear that the atrocious behaviour of the forums visitors had to stop.

In this there was some misunderstanding. Megan said that all caught on the Pretty Poesy forum who had been spamming the site would be banned. Many members of Pretty Poesy mistake her to have said "all caught on the Pretty Poesy forum will be banned." For that or whatever reason the people who had used to be members of her site turned on her, and began posting hateful and often childish remarks. Eventually she had had enough, and decided to merge her fansite with another, French Flower.

The merger did not last long. Soon after French Flower was hacked as well, and Megan decided it would be best to leave. She gave the site to two sisters, Mandy and Ava, and renamed the site Bliss Girl. This also did not last. It had been too long. There were other Clemence Poesy sites now. And she found that she no longer had any love for the fandom of which she had so long been a member, and worked so hard to find her place in. The owner of Fleur-Delacour.com decided it was best to go back to the roots of the site, and make it a Fleur Delacour fanpage instead. It had been planned to be a big Fleur supersite, but realizing her time was over, decided it was best to stay small and cut back on many previous site features.

External Links

Current Site

Flower of the Court Archive

Bliss Girl Archive

Related Domains

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