
Green Village Home and Garden - Fredericton, New Brunswick - Home


Green Village features a nursery, full service garden center, floral, ice cream and a seasonal Christmas center. The family owned business has become a destination for many gardeners all across the province.

Hendrick (Henry) Buyting was born in 1903. At age six, he started working with his father on the family farm in a small town called Doetinchem, Holland. Over the years, he continued the business of growing vegetable and flower plants to sell at local markets. Henry would later marry a young woman from the town of Diedam. Along with his wife, Theodore, they started a family consisting of five children; Gerald, Tony, Harry, John and Anne.!

Soon after the Second World War, during the time that Holland was dealing with the great floods that ruined much of the country, Henry and his family moved to Canada in search of greener pastures. When the Buyting family arrived in Canada in 1953, they took refuge with another Dutch family in Minto, NB, the Scholtens. A few members of the family started jobs in the local mines while Henry quickly found some land that enabled them to start farming again. Over the years the Buytings dabbled in many different kinds of businesses and farms. They finally settled in Sheffield, NB. Where they started to work on the grounds to build a successful cabbage, corn and lettuce farm. Over the years, the family built up a large carrot farm along with a seasonal greenhouse operation, growing and selling bedding plants for the wholesale market. The only retail business they had was a little road side stand set up to sell some of their plants.

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