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Healthy Immunity - Immune System Cure - BodySense Natural Diet by Lorna Vanderhaeghe


Lorna Vanderhaeghe is a medical journalist who has been researching and writing on the subject of nutritional medicine for over 20 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and is currently working on completing her Masters in Nutrition. Her list of accomplishments include: working at the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine at the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation; past editor-in-chief of Healthy Living Guide; and senior editor of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing (winner of the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award in 1998). She is currently an associate editor for totalhealth magazine in the United States and alive magazine in Canada.

Lorna is the co-author of the award-winning, best-selling book The Immune System Cure published in six countries and translated into French, Dutch and German and author of the Canadian bestseller Healthy Immunity, Scientifically Proven Natural Treatments for Conditions from A-Z. She is also the co-author of No More HRT: Menopause Treat the Cause and Healthy Fats for Life. Her latest book is The Body Sense Natural Diet. Lorna is an internationally known lecturer who believes in empowering people with health knowledge so they can achieve optimal wellness.

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