
Visure camerali recupero crediti


Agenzia specializzata per la tutela del credito tramite visura camerale recupero crediti visure catastali ricerca aziende per partita Iva on-line e off-line. COMAS, è oggi in grado di offrire, tramite l’utilizzo di avanzated tecnologie e di valide e preparate risorse umane, soluzioni a problemi economici del mondo imprenditoriale. Informazioni commerciali su società e imprese ricerca e visura del bilancio aziendale.

Alcuni servizi di Infocomas:

Visure camerali

Visure catastali

Visure Partita IVA

Rendita catastale

Visure immobiliari

COMAS was born in 1976 as a “detective branch” later specialized in providing business information aimed at preventing and keeping credits. In 1990 it widened its sphere of activity inserting the activity of extrajudicial credit recovery both in Italy and abroad. In 1999 it started supplying, through an on-line modality, a lot of its own informative services, later developing, in 2000, a sophisticated procedure in order to obtain the single purchase of them, also from internet users, through a safe circuit of payment by credit cards. Comas, is today able to offer, through the use of advance technologies and specialized human resources, good solutions to economic problems, typical of the business world, with a particular reference to the “credit tutelage”. Comas is certified company UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.

Additional Information

Debt collection World

COMAS can offer a service of debt collection also as regards abroad, because it can rely on a consolidate network of skilled partners, either as for the collecting activity or for finding patrimonial information about the debtor, if it was necessary to value the advantage to start legal actions of debt collection.

Debt collection Italy

COMAS works in the sector of debt collection through its own investigative structure as well as through a consolidate intelligence system, having developing during the years an operating method aimed at eliminating problems of an action of debt collection conceived in the traditional sense.

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