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The Blue Ribbon campaign was started because of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), a part of 1996 US Telecommunications Bill. This CDA would have made some speech on the internet illegal, effectively censoring internet speech (both e-mail and web pages... and anything else one might invent).

Apart from the fact that I personally abhor *any* censorship, the CDA had additional problems: it was too vague. It would have forbidden any 'indecent' speech. But what is indecent? Somewhere one the net there was a list of examples of what could be taken to be 'offensive to a group of people' (as the CDA went, IIRC).

The CDA has been stopped by a decision of the US Supreme Court (hence the past tense ;-) But the issue is still important, I think. First because there are some people in the US Congress who've said that they'd try to get similar legislation passed. But more importantly because freedom of speech, online or off, simply is (and always will be) one of the most important (and controversial) political and social issues.

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