Website graphics, including website sets, webpage templates


Music Graphic Images, Website Graphics, Web Graphics Sets, Web Page Templates, SuperBladePro Presets - Linkware Graphics,, by SKDesigns


Linkware Graphics began in 1998 as a small section of a website about my music profession, Creating music graphics began as a way to combine my life-long love for music with my almost life-long love for graphics and design. As Linkware Graphics Music Images grew and quickly became quite popular, I went ahead and purchased the domain name, online since June, 1999.

Linkware Graphics Music Images are used literally throughout the world by colleges and universities, high schools and other schools at all levels, non-profit organizations, orchestras, chamber groups, music lovers, and more.

In addition, the SuperBladePro Presets section was added September, 2000 to offer over 100 free presets for anyone using the FlamingPear SuperBladePro plugin for Adobe Photoshop or Corel (formerly Jasc) Paint Shop Pro. The SuperBladePro Presets section quickly became a popular resource for presets, which it remains to this day.

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