Inspired by Baby. Developed by Mommy.™


MOMMBY LLC was born on September 2009 as a parenting website because we wanted to help make your life as a parent easier.

Then we discovered we also needed to meet various product needs and the Peek-a-Bye-Baby™ cover which functions as a nursing cover and a burp cloth became PATENT PENDING May 2011. As our babies continued to grow and acquire more and more stuff we realized we needed to meet another need of all parents – convenient and easy ways to store all of the baby/child things and so we happily launched clear PEVA and regular vinyl storage bags. All of our bags meet toy industry standards (EN71) and CONEG for environmental standards! Change the World. One Mom (or Dad) at a Time.One Child at a Time. One Hug at a Time. ™ is a place for:

A place to read about:
big or little questions,
about your big or little one,
written with love,
by a Mommy like you.

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