- Interest portal for Maori people in Australia


Australia Maori In Oz - Homepage


MIO Initiative: An online hub for Maori in Australia to connect & tautoko one another and to maintain a strong vine with our whanau here and in our homeland Aotearoa.

MIO Kaupapa - Mission: Is to promote Maori in ALL that we do! Everything and anything pertaining to Maori in Australia & Aotearoa. is the first website of its kind in Australia and outside of our homeland Aotearoa, we are ranked in the Top 10 of the worlds best Search Engines with over 2,869,767 Hits, with the majority of our Visitors divided between Aotearoa & Australia as well as globally. Though we are an Australian based website created by Maori for Maori we also tautoko our whanau in our homeland Aotearoa and globally.

MIO is not a registered Org, Association or Business: This website is funded purely by our own means and in our own time - a voluntary labor of love to provide a free service in which Maori can keep in touch and be informed of what we are all up too in a supportive and encouraging environment. We recently implemented a means in which Maori Businesses can create networks through paid advertising on the website and potentially increase business opportunities and sales.

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