
Mark Wooller


As I approach a blank canvas, which often is so daunting, I begin pulling out threads of stories, quickly drawing and writing them on the canvas, words become verse, verse becomes a painting, a thought becomes a theme .Daily experiences, shared tales or simple reflections are the essence to my art. So for me the act of being an artist begins at the canvas, and I draw and word a tapestry of forms, shapes and faded whisperings.

The background, is not so much as just, ‘the background’, but as a whole painting within itself, it is the primary statement, the bones of the work, it is those who have come before us. It tells the first story, and as often as original stories do, it fades in places, distorts itself through time and hides itself under glazes, drips and smudges. The second part of the painting, takes up the story where the first left of, it picks up the thread using a different language. Through symbolic arrangements, simple pieces of wood, stones and sticks, reinforce the original concept. Often in the process obliterating what has come before. Often a whole painting or a whole new poem is buried under subsequent layers of imagery, but nothing is really lost, the spirit still exists there, the message lies hidden but none the less still potent.

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