
Welcome to the Massachusetts Democratic Party



We, the Democrats of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in common purpose with the National Democratic Charter, are united in seeking for our State, our Nation and all peoples individual and political freedoms and social and economic justice. We affirm that we can best attain these goals through a strong, cohesive party-honest, open and accessible to all, and steadfast in the idea that our people have the ability to govern themselves. Following the National Democratic Charter, we acknowledge that a political party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, a party which asks for the people's trust must prove that it trusts the people and a party which hopes to call forth the best that the Commonwealth can achieve must embody the best of the Commonwealth's heritage and traditions. The Democratic Party demands responsibility and accountability from candidates and officials using its name. It shall be a party within which all social, economic, ethnic and geographic groups can gather to clarify issues, affect public policies and implement systems of equal opportunity regardless of race, national origin, creed, sex, age, religion or sexual orientation. It shall be receptive to new solutions to social and political problems. It shall promote the election and appointment of Democrats to public office. In office, the Democratic Party shall act as a coordinator and mediator among the various governing agencies of towns, cities, counties and the Commonwealth; out of office, it shall act as a responsible opposition, a channel for legitimate dissent. To these ends, we pledge ourselves to leadership in a democratic society through this Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts .

Agenda is defined as an outline of topics to be considered and actions to be taken by the Party, such as meetings, programs, rules, etc.

Accessible is defined as referring to those conditions which assure openness and provide an equal opportunity for participation, including locations, convenience and public identification among others.

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