
"Amalgam Illness:" Diagnosis and Treatment of Mercury Poisoning, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Chemical Sensitivity and Chronic Fatigue


A wide variety of debilitating and supposedly incurable conditions may actually be due to chronic mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning can be easily cured if it is recognized. These conditions are seldom cured because mercury poisoning is believed to be rare. It is not. It is quite common. Thus, many people suffer needlessly.

Many of today's "mystery syndromes" that physicians don't know how to treat at all - fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, anorexia, recurrent depression - aren't mystery syndromes. They are just mercury poisoning. Treating them as mercury poisoning cures them, while the usual treatments are seldom effective in the long term.

This book gives practical guidance on how to tell if you really have chronic mercury poisoning or some other problem. If mercury poisoning is your problem, the book tells you how to get the mercury out of your body, and how to feel good while you do that.

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