is a photo and video hosting portal


Phanfare - Better online photo and video sharing, faster uploads, no advertising on albums


We created Phanfare because we wanted permanent, polished, ad-free online photo and video albums. And we wanted to reduce the time and effort needed to create and share our albums. But mostly we created Phanfare because we wanted to make photo and video sharing fun again!

Prior to Phanfare, Andrew Erlichson was CEO & co-founder of Flashbase, which was acquired by DoubleClick in 2000. At DoubleClick, he was Vice President of Technology for the Research and Development Group. He has worked at Mips Computer Systems, Silicon Graphics and BlackRock Financial Management.

Mark Heinrich is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF), and a founder of its Computer Systems Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1998 and was a principal designer of the FLASH multiprocessor under his advisor, John Hennessy. Dr. Heinrich also received his MS from Stanford in 1993, and his BSE in electrical engineering and computer science from Duke University in 1991. His research interests include novel computer architectures, parallel computer architecture, high-throughput computing, scalable cache coherence protocols, and active memory and I/O subsystems. Dr. Heinrich was also the co-founder and Chief Architect of Flashbase, Inc. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, an IBM Faculty Award, and is a member of the ACM, IEEE, and IEEE Computer Society.

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Community Reviews

it's very limited photo sharing site

i tried to use several times, and looks like it's very limited. smugmug and fotki are much better solutions, and pbase is good as well!
  • posted by Anonymous on Sep 10, 2006, 11:53 am

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