Title - Data, Design, Development Services, website content services and products


ProDatabases offers Website Design and Custom Application Development Services along with a long line of website content services and products. Download MySQL and Website Databases, Use Free Webmaster Tools, Browse Free Deleted Domain Name Lists, and download business databases.

Web Development
If you are in need of web development services, from complete sites and scripts, a site redesign, or a fully customized CMS to run your business, our web development team can get it done. We work as if we are a part of 'Your Team'. If you are looking for a long term technology parter who actually cares about the end result, and not just a paycheck, then we are a match for you.

Software Development
Unlike many software development firms we do not spread our developers across all areas. Our specialists are professional in what they do and can we successfully develop the most sophisticated software packages needed. Our clients include entrepreneurs, small business, and Fortune 1000 companies. Don't conform to a software box, customize the software for your needs.

Automation Solutions
Let us automate your life and business. From collecting online information, responding to email, phone and web events, automating web site updates and changes saving and entering information, we will automate it for you. From basic Web tasks to more advanced scenarios, a custom automation solution will save you time and money, increase efficiency, and bring an ROI that cannot be argued.

Additional Information

SC Interactive Global Media SRL is the owner of located in Kos Island, Greece and with a local presence in IASI Romania. Our company has succesfully operated various online venues including: - Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Tools - An Online Casino and Betting Website - An Affordable Pay Per Click Search Engine - Outsourcing your projects to freelancers in the UK - Outsourcing your projects to freelancers in Romania - Outsourcing your projects to freelancers in Greece

And many more websites.

External Links

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