
Relationship Directory - find the relationship advice you're looking for!


"Hello, and welcome to! I'm so glad you found your way here - as that means we must be doing some seriously successful promoting for our clients :)

with search engine rankings and pay per click keyword bidding! In fact, this site was born when I, myself, became sick and tired of sinking hundreds (yes, even thousands) of dollars a week into Search Engine ranking and keyword bidding! I kept thinking to myself, 'there has got to be a better, more unbiased and unprejudiced way'! Here I was offering a site that had hundreds of useful and FREE pages, but these one-page sites (who basically offered nothing to help their visitors) were consistently getting higher placement in the search engines than my site! Additionally, my email box was loaded with spam letters telling me how for x-amount of my hard-earned money they could guarantee me TOP placement in the major search engines. HA! Fed-up with the phony 'search engine optimizing'; 'top site monopolizing'; and the 'outrageous out-bidding of financially-backed websites', I finally said, 'enough is enough - there is a better way, and I'm going to prove it!'. Hence, the founding of the RelationshipDirectory..."

Welcome to! Our corporate mission is to make your relationship-based website a success on the net by increasing your traffic and reducing your marketing costs.

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