
Killer Whale Watching | Bear, Wildlife Tours | Vancouver Island, British Columbia


Orcas are easily identified by their distinctive black and white markings. They are also commonly recognized by the tall dorsal fin on the back of the males or bulls, which can be 5 to 6 feet (2.5 m) in height. The Resident Orcas of B.C.'s north coast live in family groups, known as pods, and have a diet of strictly fish (95% salmon). They are not to be confused with the Transient Orcas, which have a diet of other marine mammals, and occasionally wander through Johnstone Strait as well. The Resident Orcas can be found in the Johnstone Straits almost daily from the end of June through November feeding on the massive salmon runs heading through the Strait on their way down the coast to spawn. This also seems to be the social event of the year for these Orcas. It is not unusual to have multi pods of 30 to 40 Orcas (occasionally upwards of 100) traveling together - playing, socializing, feeding, and mating in Johnstone Strait during the summer. Needless to say, this is an experience which is impossible to describe, particularly when it is set to a background symphony of hundreds of Orca calls heard through our hydrophone.

  • Orcas live an average 50 to 70 years in the wild, shockingly statistics show that the life expectancy of a captured Orca (Aquarium Orcas), live to an average of *5.2 years after capture.



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