
Shri Geeta Industries, Manufacturers & Exporters of HDPE/PP Woven Sacks and Fabrics.


Shri Geeta Industries is one of the manufacturer of circular woven HDPE/PP Sacks and Fabrics in India. Some of the vital statistics about our firm as follows:

Our is a Proprietorship firm which is run by Shri Sajjan M. Ranasaria who is highly experienced person from diverse fields to ensure a smooth and efficient functioning of the firm. Shri Sajjan M. Ranasaria has the total experience of around 15-20 years in the packaging industry specially in the field of PP/HDPE Woven Sacks and Fabrics. He is duly supported by Shri Sunil M. Ransaria in this regard who has also gained the experience of around 10 years in this field

We have a comprehensive range of equipments, plant and machinery to provide HDPE/PP woven sacks of international standards. The state of art plant and machinery is based on technology from following industry leaders


shri geeta industries

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