promotes the Shamanic studies and its healing techniques


Shamanism: Foundation for Shamanic Studies founded by Michael Harner


He has been recognized as the pioneer in the revival of shamanism since 1961 when he chose to immerse himself in tribal spiritual traditions and accept initiation in Upper Amazonian shamanism rather than restrict his study to more traditional academic techniques.

Fortunately for everyone interested in developing their own shamanic potentiality, Michael Harner continued developing and then teaching his personal practice of shamanism and shamanic healing when he returned to the United States.

As a result, you too can benefit from his groundbreaking work in shamanic journeying through the FSS, which offers its international learners rigorous courses in core shamanism — universal or near-universal principles and practices of shamanism not bound to any specific cultural group or perspective.


TheFoundationfor Shamanic Studies
Mill Valley CA
United States 94942



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