information for parents with children who play soccer


Soccer for Parents - Becoming the BEST Soccer Parent in Town


I first got involved in youth soccer in the Fall of 1999 when my oldest son, Dustin, began playing at the U-8 level. I had never played soccer, didn’t know the rules, didn’t know how to coach, and no one in the league seemed to care about educating the parents or coaches.

Things have changed a lot in the past 5 years but I felt like there was still a big need for helping parents adapt to the game of soccer. Hopefully this website at least partially meets that need.

As a chemical engineer by training, I naturally tend to take an organized, systematic approach to all activities. Generally this is a good thing, but I have learned that it is also important in the development of kids in soccer to allow them the freedom to think and play on their own within certain boundaries.

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