is all about t-shirts, stuff and spaceFem forum.

Title Guaranteed at least 73% amusing!


Lots of people sign the guestbook asking what the "big point" of this site is. As the one who submits us to search engines, I know how hard it is to get spacefem in a nutshell because there's a lot of different stuff on here, but basically it's just a place where I can be myself and anyone who is anything like me, or anything like who I was, or anything like who I will be, can feel happy. There's dumb quizzes and useless crud that basically serves to make fun of other websites. There's a forum that lots of internet addicts call their home. There's information on feminism and women's rights. Really is whatever you want it to be.

If you're curious about how stuff here is done, where it's hosted, how I do websites, that information is on this page here.

I'm 25 years old, I live in Kansas. I'm an electrical engineer. I work in the aircraft industry. I could tell you more but then I'd have to kill you.

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