Homepage SEO Analysis for HOA.VN

Cached on 2016-02-02 14:23:07 (refresh)

Domain Resolution

Your website resolves to the following IP addresses:


The title of a web page appears in search results as the link to that page.
Your web page's title is:
Hoa tươi, Giỏ quà tết, Điện hoa và Quà tặng đến 64 tỉnh, trên 150 quốc gia - Điện Hoa Toàn Cầu Việt Pháp - VP Flower Co,. Ltd - chuyên cung cấp Hoa cưới , Hoa chúc mừng, Hoa bó , Hoa cắm lẵng , Hoa cắm bình , Quà biếu , Hoa thôi nôi, Hoa sinh nhật , Hoa chia buồn, Bánh sinh nhật……. tại Hà Nội, TP Hồ Chi Minh và 64 tỉnh thành, 59 quốc gia! - Dien hoa toan cau Viet Phap
Good This web page has a title tag.
Warning Best practices say your title should be 70 characters or less in length.

Meta Description

Search engines often use the meta description of a web page to describe it in search results.
Your web page's meta description is:
http://www.hoa.vn, chuyên cung cấp Hoa tươi, Quà tặng, Hoa bó, Hoa cắm lẵng, Hoa cắm bình, Hoa chúc mừng, Hoa cưới, Hoa sinh nhật, Hoa hội nghị, Hoa khai trương, Hoa chia buồn, Hoa thôi nôi, Hoa tang lễ, Quà biếu, Bánh sinh nhật, Điện hoa, Điện hoa- Việt Nam, Đặt hoa qua mạng- Việt Nam, Mua hoa qua mạng- Việt Nam, Mua hoa trực tuyến, Đặt hoa trực tuyến, Hoa hồng, Hoa Tulip, Hoa Lan, Hoa Đồng tiền, Hoa Hướng dương, Hoa ly, Hoa lilies, Mua hoa qua mạng, Điện hoa- Hà Nội, Điện hoa- Sài Gòn, Điện hoa- TP Hồ Chí Minh, Điện hoa- Hải Phòng, Điện hoa- Huế, Điện hoa- Đà Nẵng, Điện hoa- Nha Trang, Điện hoa- Qui Nhơn, Điện hoa- Phan Thiết, Điện hoa- Đà Lạt, Điện hoa- Cần Thơ, Hoa tuoi, Dien Hoa, Dien hoa- Vietnam, Dat hoa qua mang- Vietnam, Dien hoa- Hanoi, Dien hoa- Saigon, Dien hoa- TP Ho Chi Minh, Dien hoa- Hai Phong, Dien hoa- Hue, Dien hoa- Da Nang, Dien hoa- Nha Trang, Dien hoa- Qui Nhon, Dien hoa- Phan Thiet, Dien hoa- Da Lạt, Dien hoa- Can Tho, Dat hoa qua mang, Mua hoa qua mang, Hoa cuoi, Hoa hoi nghi, Hoa khai truong, Hoa sinh nhat, Hoa chuc mung, Hoa khai truong, Hoa chia buon, Hoa tang le, Hoa thoi noi, Qua bieu, Banh sinh nhat, Flower Delivery- Vietnam, Flower Shop- Vietnam, Flower delivery to Vietnam, Vietnam Flowers, Vietnam Flowers , Flower in Vietnam, Flower- Vietnam, Vietnam Flora, Vietnam Florist, Florist in Vietnam, Dalat Flower- Vietnam, Dalat Hasfarm- Vietnam, Rose, Tulip, Lilies, Balloon, Sunflower, Orchid tại các quận trong thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Hà Nội và các tỉnh của Việt Nam....
Good This web page has a meta description.
Warning Best practices say your meta description should be between 150 and 160 characters in length. Yours is 1690.


Headings, such as H1, H2, H3, etc, are important sentences or phrases on a web page that quickly and clearly tells people and search engines what they can expect to find there.
Good This web page has a H1 heading tag.

HOA.VN in search results

You can see below how Google and most other search engines will display this site's home page in search results. The title is used as the link to the page, and the meta description usually appears below the title.

Hoa tươi, Giỏ quà tết, Điện hoa và Quà tặng ...


http://www.hoa.vn, chuyên cung cấp Hoa tươi, Quà tặng, Hoa bó, Hoa cắm lẵng, Hoa cắm bình, Hoa chúc mừng, Hoa cưới, Hoa sinh nh...

Sites You Link To

Outbound links tell search engines which websites you find valuable and relevant to your own site, and help your visitors find what they need; even if it's not on your site.
SiteNumber of links

Image Descriptions

Image descriptions, also called "alt text", are the best way to describe images to search engines and to visitors using screen readers.
Warning Some of the images don't have descriptions.


Your website's robots.txt file can tell search engines to ignore parts of your site.
Bot NameDescriptionResult
googlebotCrawler for the Google.com search engine. Allowed
bingbotCrawler for the Bing.com and Yahoo.com search engines. Allowed
baiduspiderCrawler for Baidu.com, the leading Chinese search engine. Allowed
yandexCrawler for Yandex.com, the leading search engine in Russia. Allowed
yandexbotCrawler for Yandex.com, the leading search engine in Russia. Allowed
sosospiderCrawler for Soso.com, a major Chinese search engine. Allowed
exabotCrawler for ExaLead, a major search engine in France. Allowed
sogou spiderCrawler for Sogou.com, a major search engine in China. Allowed

Canonical Url

This website can live at www.hoa.vn or hoa.vn. It's best for your site's visibility to live at just one URL, or web address. You'll want to create a 301 redirect to the URL you choose from the other URL.
Problem Your URL is not canonical.