
Antone Bruinsma contemporary stone sculpture and public art


Antone has been a sculptor for over 25 years. Born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, he immigrated with his family at the age of 12, after his father died. His father was a painter in The Netherlands and Antone's favourite pastime when young was to sit in his father's studio, watching him work and trying his own hand at art.

There was never any question that Antone would go to art school after high school. There, he was inspired to pursue sculpture as his art major. Antone passes on his passion for sculpture in workshops, one on one mentoring and through participating in sculpture exhibitions and symposiums.

Although he produces sculptures in bronze and other metals (upon request), he enjoys working with natural materials such as stone and wood. These sculptures are long lasting and provide a great foil for modern architecture and styles. They are beautiful to touch and easy to maintain.

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