
Sturminster Stamps


I have collected stamps for over 50 years, concentrating for most of that time on the early British Line-Engraved issues, latterly exclusively from Plate 5 of the 1d Black (and the 1d Reds printed from the plate), and am making progress with a complete reconstruction of the plate in all states. I was recently largely responsible for redrafting the section on Plate 5 in the 12th (2001) Edition of the SG Specialised Catalogue, Part 1. I have just completed a long overdue major review of the plate, and have prepared a paper on it. It is available on this link PLATE 5 REVIEW for anybody who is interested... Please note that all pictures are thumbnails - for larger pics, click on the thumbnail for a 'pop-up' full size picture...

I have been in business as a dealer in these issues since early 2001, on my retirement from a previous career, and am becoming increasingly interested (and rapidly acquiring expertise!) in those issues which have not formerly been part of my collecting interest. The perforated 1d Red 'Stars' have become a strong part of my stock...

I do all my own plating (and rarely take any notice of pencilled plate numbers on the back of stamps - they are too often wrong!). I use a number of reference works to assist in this process, and a list which may be found helpful by those wishing to do their own plating can be found on my 'HELP' page...

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Sturminster Stamps
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland DORSET DT10 2BN



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