good source of information regarding poets and poetries.


Susan Voth's new book of poetry, Liquored Words & Afterthoughts is now available. Writing since the age of twelve, Susan is currently working on a historical romance novel entitled "Firestone" and hopes to have it completed by the end of 2007.


Susan Voth's official website. Excerpted from the website description:

Susan Voth's first book, Liquored Words & Afterthoughts is now available

Liquored Words & Afterthoughts

"Susan Voth has been writing since the age of twelve. She has finally decided to publish her first book of poetry. While her poetry may seem dark to some, most find her pieces intriguing. She attributes her writing to a life well lived, though with some unfortunate occurrences. Going down her beaten and worn-out path, she has struggled to stay on the straight and narrow. Luckily, she has found herself through her pen."

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