
The Gamers Guild - A World of Board Games, Puzzles, Models and Miniatures


About The Gamers Guild

We are a company that specialises in offering traditional board games, models and puzzles without a computer or games console in sight! Both the shop and the website are run by Chris Bennett and Geoff Lake, long term gaming enthusiasts backed up and supported by a small army of (mainly unpaid volunteers) including wife's', friends and hangers on. We have (we hope!) a comprehensive knowledge of the games, miniatures and models stocked. We are always here to answer any questions that you may have and advise on current and forthcoming releases.

One of the main driving ambitions behind the Gamers Guild shop is to showcase the specialist and mainstream together under one roof in a pleasant High Street environment that allow you, the customer, the widest choice of traditional and perhaps previously unseen games.

Games, we believe should be an important part of social life and often bring the most diverse of groups together through a common denominator of a shared interest. We believe that games are good for and benefit everybody in many ways. A game can allow people to time out to sit down together to socialise and often entertain, frustrate, and sometimes educate you. For a few hours, games can give us a much-needed escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday reality and allow family and friends, old and young to connect and communicate together, and most of all have fun!

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