
About VoiceForInmates.com

Email an inmate FREE! WE do the rest, here at voiceforinmates.com we convert email to letters and mail them to the directly to the inmate participant. NMATES SEEKING PEN PALS... There is no greater gift you can give to a stranger than a few words of encouragement. If you want to help an inmate, contact him/her today. There are no computers in prison nor do inmates have access to the Internet, but through VOICE FOR INMATES they can now make their presence visible to you. On November 5th 09 I sent an inmate donation via the voice for inmates website, after 4 months of being ignored, unanswered emails and phone calls they still witheld the money order, please be very cautious of using this service, if you do send an inmate money by donation I advise you use another service.

Original Message -----

From: VFI Support

Sent: 03/03/10 12:47 PM

To: Julie Cottingham

Subject: Re: Dante Cottingham - Money Orders

Ms. Cottingham first I sincerely apologize for my lack of professionalism. We frankly were have a little financial difficulty and I had no answers at the moment... However, I would like (if it is ok with you to begin sending Mr. Cottingham 150.00 each week starting next Friday until the remaining 800.00 is resolved.

Darnell Barber VFI SUPPORT

Original Message -----

From: VFI Support

Sent: 03/16/10 04:32 PM

To: Julie Cottingham

Subject: Re: Dante Cottingham - Money Orders

Hello again, it did not go out Friday however it is DEFINATELY going out tommorrow. It looks asthough I will have to set it for Wednesdays until all is resolved. Sorry again for the delayed response.


To date no contact from VFI has been made and no payment sent. They do not respond to emails and refuse to accept calls.

This is not a reputable service to use for Donations to inmates. I hope no one else falls prey to this scam.

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