is a board game featuring actual Golden Anniversary couples.


Start with the bride and groom on their wedding day! Fast-forward through fifty years of marriage. Can you still recognize the couple? Do you know what kept them together?


Two teams compete to match golden anniversary couples with their newlywed pictures. The team with the most correct matches wins -- it's harder than you might think!

The game includes two sets of four game boards with newlywed photos, and two sets of 12 golden anniversary photos on individual cards. Stories on the backs of the cards provide a few clues to the matches, and are real conversation starters: funny ways the couples met, how they have or haven't changed over time, and their advice for achieving a long, happy marriage.

You Haven't Changed a Bit™ is a perfect game for bridal showers, rehearsal dinners, anniversary parties, or other wedding-related events. It also makes a great gift on such occasions!

Additional Information

Press Reviews
"It's much more difficult than you think," said Jillian Safer. "It's definitely something that would be fun to do at a shower. It gets you talking about relationships."
--The Providence Journal "The Not-So-Newlywed Game"
--The Boston Globe
"Have you ever been to a bridal shower or anniversary party only to notice a lack of interaction between the older and younger guests? ... The game -- an instant success. Guests were baffled by its difficulty but enjoyed the challenge and entertainment it provided. Older women had a platform to discuss the complexities of marriage with the bride-to-be and her young friends, many of whom were starting a family themselves."
--North East Independent
"Move over Jessica and Nick. That glossy twosome probably won't make it 50 more weeks, in contrast to the couples featured in this board game who have been married for 50 years. Great for wedding showers, the game has you figuring out which of the brides and grooms pictured on their wedding day, so long ago, match the couples shown in their current incarnations. The wonderful title, "You Haven't Changed A Bit!" is sweet because time's winged chariot has certainly moved the subjects and their clothes from one era to another."
--Mopsy Kennedy, Improper Bostonian
"Do you think you understand what draws couples together? Can you pick the perfect match? And better yet, can you predict how people will age over 50 years? ...a fun game ... in teams at a small bridal shower, anniversary party, or even engagement party. It's really a charming look at love and the passage of time."
--Donna Pilato, About.Com Entertaining Guide
"Help your friend find out some of the secrets to a happy marriage with this fun little board game about marriage and love. This game -- the perfect activity at a small bridal shower gathering or even hanging out with the bridesmaids the night before the wedding. You will have a great laugh while learning a little bit about what it takes to have a lasting marriage. "
--The Pink Puppy, a guide to unique gifts

Customer Reviews
Love the game. I appreciated how different it is from other games. More importantly, that it fosters fun, more than competitiveness. I am always looking for that!
- Matt, customer
I was going to get the old Newlywed game but after reading about your game, I thought it sounded like fun and something different to generate conversation and interaction among young and old guests. We will be looking forward to playing it at a family get together celebrating Valentines Day. Thanks again!
- Kristi, customer
What an incredible game. Perfect for any party! My friends and I played recently and I could not believe how much fun we all had. You will laugh, learn a little bit about what makes a relationship work, and even learn a little bit about yourself!
- Seth, customer
I have received your game and played it with a group that I use to test new possibilities for my website. The game received rave reviews! - Dawn, online retailer
The stories about the golden anniversary couples are delightful. They are my favorite part of your wedding shower game.
- Johanna, customer
I bought the game for a friend who was getting married last month. After playing it with her friends at the wedding shower, she realized she has something new to look forward to, getting older without even noticing. She and her friends and even the guys got together after the wedding to play it again and again. She told me that she and her husband loved it so much they even took it with them on their honeymoon.
- Dominique, customer

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  • Erik Sebesta (delighted) : Delighted! Thu Apr 02 19:29:39 UTC 2009

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