provides resources and information about psychotherapy is an association of counselors & therapists who believe people are equipped to transform the obstacles to optimum health and happiness."

For Consumers, GoodTherapy, provides a FREE directory of Empowering, Collaborative, and Nonpathologizing Therapists and Counselors. Click here to find Good therapy

For Counselors, Goodtherapy provides members with high quality referrals from a well respected and professional organization. Click here to Learn more.

Quality Strandards

What makes stand out among other directories is that only therapists & counselors who describe their therapy and counseling as empowering, non-pathologizing and collaborative are allowed to be listed in our directory. We believe that, if given a choice, people would rather search a directory of counselors who are empowering, non-pathologizing, and collaborative than search a directory with all kinds of counselors.

Other therapy directories on the Internet simply have no quality standard for choosing who they allow into their directory and as long as the therapist is willing to pay the advertising fee, membership is granted. believes that given a choice, most people would rather meet with a therapist who is empowering, non-pathologizing, and collaborative. Click here to Learn more

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