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Parenting Resources For Never Married, Divorced & Separated Parents


The website is a project of the Children's Rights Council (CRC), a nationwide, non-profit children's rights organization based in Washington, D.C. The Associate Director of this website is Lonnie Perrin, who has worked with young parents in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. for 15 years. He is a former professional football player with the Washington Redskins, Denver Broncos and Chicago Bears.

CRC works to strengthen families through education and advocacy. We favor family formation and family preservation, but if families break up, or are never formed, we work to assure a child the frequent and continuing contact with two parents and extended family the child would normally have during marriage. Our motto is "The Best Parent is Both Parents".

For the child's benefit, CRC favors parenting education before marriage, during marriage, and for parents who are never-married, separated, or divorced.

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Hyattsville MD
US 20782

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