
About kAllMetI.com

 Nje gojedhene e vjeter  thote se dikur  ky fshat ishte i mbuluar nga  uji, i cili  duke u pakesuar  la  pas lym  e balte  qe ndikoj ne rritjen e kallamit te  eger  ose  kallamit , bime  kjo qe i dha  ketij  vendi  emrin Kallmet. Kallmeti  eshte nje vendbanim  i  lashte. Gjetjet  arkeologjike  ne te gjithe shtrirjen e fshatit  tregojne se ketu  eshte banuar   qe nga periudha e  gurit  te  ri  e  deri  ne antikitetin e vone . Lezha online is one of the first websites that Gjoka Lek has opened for his home town. Lezha located in Albania and is an area thousands of years ancient history. Lek Kallmet Gjoka was born in a more prosperous villages that has Lezha and family lives in Jacksonville Floirda. The addition of Clarendon Online website also directs Kallmetit Online website and in yahoo toplisten largest Albanian Motherland, also he is the writer which has so far published three volumes of poetry. 1 "tears of the kiss" 2 - "sun catches for wear" 3 - "The ocean swell spiritual"


Nje gojedhene e vjeter  thote se dikur  ky fshat ishte i mbuluar nga  uji, i cili  duke u pakesuar  la  pas lym  e balte  qe ndikoj ne rritjen e kallamit te  eger  ose  kallamit , bime  kjo qe i dha  ketij  vendi  emrin Kallmet.

Kallmeti eshte nje vendbanim i lashte. Gjetjet arkeologjike ne te gjithe shtrirjen e fshatit tregojne se ketu eshte banuar qe nga periudha e gurit te ri e deri ne antikitetin e vone . Edhe pas pushtimit romak popullsia vazhdoj te banoje ketu dhe krijoj kulturen e saj te veçante. History

 An old legend says that this village was once covered by water, which was reduced by silt and clay left behind to affect the growth of wild cane or reed, plants that gave it this name Kallmet country.

Kallmeti is an ancient settlement. Findings extent all archaeological sites in the village indicate that here has been inhabited since the stone a new period of antiquity to the later. Even after the Roman occupation the population continue to live here and create its special culture.

Kete e deshmon varreza mesjetare e gjetur tek ullishta e Gjek Simonit (shekulli 6-8 e.s.).

Vazhdimesia e jetes  se  ketyre banoreve  ne Kallmet  nuk u nderpre, ata krijuan  kulturen e tyre, kristalizuan  tiparet dalluese  duke  e bere  kete fshat  nje njesi etnografike te veçante ne rrethin e Lezhes. Dalluese  eshte veçanarisht veshja e grave dhe e vajzave me rroba krejt te bardha (vazhduese e veshjes Ilire).

The testifies this medieval cemetery found in olive groves of Gjeka Simon (6-8 century CE). Follow the life of these residents in Kallmet not discontinued, they created their own culture, kristalizuan distinctive features making this village a special ethnographic units in the district of Clarendon. Distinction is particularly women's clothing and the girls with very white clothes (the dress continuing Illyrian).

Kallmetasit  jane  bujq  dhe vreshtare  te mire , ata krijuan varietetin e rrushit  kallmet, fasulen me emrin  kallmet  dhe ullirin kokerr madh  qe  permendet  ne literaturen  shkencore bujqesore. Ne Kallmet  jane ngritur   monumente te kultures si  Kisha e Eufemise e  shekullit 13-te.Kisha  e Eufemise  eshte  vend i shenjte  ku vine besimtare nga  gjithe  Lezha dhe me larg çdo te premte apo feste  fetare. Gjithashtu Kisha Eufemia eshte  vleresuar nga Keshilli i Qarkut Lezhe si monument i rendesise se vecante.
Nje monument i kohes tone eshte zbukurimi i brendshem i kishes se Shenkollit.

Ne Kallmet linden dhe punuan njerez te shquar si Frang Bardhi, Dod Koleci, Prend Suli, Luigj Bumçi etj.

Kallmetasit are good farmers and wine grower, they created Kallmet grape variety, named Kallmet fasulen grain and olive large scientific literature referred to in agriculture. We are built Kallmet cultural monuments as the Church of 13th-century Eufemise of Eufemise is te.Kisha holy place where believers come from all Lezha and far every Friday or religious holiday. Eufemia Church also was assessed by the District Council as a monument Lezhe special importance. A monument of our time is the internal ornament Shenkollit church. We Kallmet born and worked as prominent people Franc Bardhi, Dod Koleci, Prenda Suli, etc. Luigj Bumçi. Ne vitin 1671 Kallmeti kishte 35 shtepi (katolike) me 350 fryme. Disa familje u larguan dhe u vendosen ne fshatin e sotem Kallmet te Tiranes te cilet jane te besimit islam. Kallmeti perbehet nga keto lagje: Kliçe, Markanokaj, Ndregjonaj, Nduemarkaj, Blush, Mapreç, Gjatore, Çanak, Haber, Kolsimonaj, Luzhe,Kolpepaj, Pemaj, Fushe e Madhe. Popullsia ka nje rritje te madhe progresive. Ajo merret kryesisht me bujqesi dhe blegtori dhe eshte e lidhur shume me vendin e saj.

In 1671 he had 35 home Kallmeti (Catholic) with 350 spirit. Some families left the village and settled in Tirana today Kallmet who are Islamic faith. Kallmeti consists of the following neighborhoods: klica, Markanokaj, Ndregjonaj, Nduemarkaj, blush, Mapreç, Gjatore, Canak, Haber, Kolsimonaj, Luzha, Kolpepaj, Pemaj, Great Field. Population has a large increase progressively. It deals mainly with agriculture and livestock and is associated more with her country.

Kallmeti ka qene treve e kuvendeve dhe e veprimtarive patriotike perzonen veriore . Kujtojme : nisjen e Lezhjaneve per mbrojtjene Hotit e Grudes kunder malazezeve ne prill 1880. Ketu kane ardhur Ded Gjon Luli e Bajram Curri. Kallmetoret kane luftuar per liri dhe pavaresi. E rendesishme eshte lufta ne Zallin e prrojte te Rraboshtes me 18 Maj 1912 kunder ushtrise Turke kum beten te vrare 35 ushtare osmane. Dhane jeten kallmetoret: Pjeter Ll.Ndoj, Lazer Pata, Gjon Koleci dhe Prend Mapreçi te cilet jane shpallur deshmore te pavarsise.

Gjate luftes Nacionalçlirimtare 84 kallmetore u rreshtuan me brigaten 24 partizane . Nga bombardimet gjermane ne Kallmet mbeten te vrare 2 partizane, italiane dhe nje kallmetor Ndue S.Nikolli.

Pas viteve 1990 filloi levizja e lire e njerezve brenda dhe jashte vendit. Te rinjte moren rrugen e emigracionit ne fillim drejte Greqise dhe me vone drejte Europes perendimore. Emigracioni Ekonomik (Maj 2001 ) Kallmeti has been three assemblies and northern perzonen patriotic activities. Remember: the launch of Lezhjaneve for protecting against Grudes Hotit of Montenegrins in April 1880. Here have come Ded Gjon Luli of Bajram Curri. Kallmetoret fought for freedom and independence. It is very important war in Zallin of Rraboshtes with prrojte to May 18, 1912 against the Turkish army battles kum Ottoman killed 35 soldiers. Died kallmetoret: Pjeter Ll.Ndoj, Laser Pata, John Koleci and Prenda Mapreçi Martyrs who are declared independence.

During the war Nacionalçlirimtare 84 kallmetore lined with partisan brigaten 24. The German bombing were killed in 2 Kallmet partisan, Italian and one S. kallmetor Ndue Nikolli.

After 1990 started the free movement of people within and outside the country. Young people took the path of migration in early Greece and later right right western Europe. Immigration Economics (May 2001)

Femije te lindur ne emigracion gjithsej 54 (femra29) Pozitive eshte se te rinjte kallmetore femijeve te tyre u vene emra shqiptare. Kallmetori nuk i largohet fshatit te tij , sepse eshte i bukur , i paster, afer qytetit, me mal me bore ne dimer, i pasur me burime uji, i gjelberuar gjate gjithe vitit. Nga viti 1991 deri ne 2005 u larguanper ne Lezhe 34 familje. Lidhja me autostraden do t’ia shtoje mundesine perparimit te fshatit. Popullsia historikisht eshte arsimdashese: kemi dy kopshte femijesh, dy shkolla te ciklit te ulet, dhe nje e mesme ebashkuar me 8-vjeçaren me 500 nxenes.


Shkolla shqipe ne Kallmet u hap me 1902 me 20 nxenes. Para 1944 popullsia ishte 80% analfabet. Ne vitin 1938 shkolla e Kallmetit kishte 38 nxenes Pas çlirimit u hap shkolla fillore e detyruar ne Gusht 1946 me 168 nxenes. Ne vitin 1955 hapet shkolla 7 vjeçare e detyruar. Ne vitin1989 hapet shkolla e mesme me dy dege Agrozoteknik dhe bujqesi. Children born in emigration total of 54 (femra29) Positive youth is that their children were kallmetore set Albanian names. Kallmetori not leave his village, because it is beautiful, clean, near the city, the mountain with snow in winter, rich in water resources, the green throughout the year. From 1991 to 2005 were 34 families larguanper in Copenhagen. Highway will link with the opportunity to add prosperity to the village. Population historically is its love for education: kindergartens have two children, two primary schools and a middle ebashkuar with 8-year-old with 500 pupils.


Albanian in Kallmet School opened with 20 pupils in 1902 with. Prior to 1944 the population was 80% illiterate. In 1938 the school had 38 pupils Kallmetit After liberation primary school opened in August 1946 forced 168 pupils. In 1955 open 7-year compulsory school. We vitin1989 high school opens with two branches Agrozoteknik and agriculture.


Fshatrat e komunes Kallmet ndriçohen ne rrezet perendimore te malit Vele, ne kodrat e ulta ne te dy anet e rruges automobilistike Lezhe -Vau I Dejes. Jane te pasura me burime natyrore uji, me kullota dhe te mbuluara me ullinj shekullore. Duke qene te futura thelle ne rreze te malit keto fshatra kane veçorite dalluese lokale te klimes. Merqia eshte e pershtateshme per kultivimin e perimeve. Kallmeti e Rraboshte te pershtatshme per vreshta dhe ullishte. Ketu kultivohet dhe hurma e portokalli. Klima eshte mesdhetare fushore me dimer te bute e te lagesht e vere te nxehte e te thate. Temperatura e Janarit arrin 6-10 grade, ndersae korrikut 25-26 grade.

Reshjet shkojne rreth 1300- 1500 mm shi ne vit.

Geographical position

Kallmet ndriçohen villages of the municipality in western mountain rays Vele, in the low hills on both sides of road Copenhagen-Vau I Dejes. They are rich with natural water sources, with pastures and covered with centuries-old olive trees. Being introduced mountain range deep in these villages have local distinctive features of climate. Merqia is appropriate for cultivating vegetables. Kallmeti of Rraboshte appropriate for vineyards and olive groves. Here and dates and orange cultivated. The climate is Mediterranean plains with mild winters and wet and summers hot and dry. January temperature reaches grade 6-10, grade ndersae July 25-26. Rainfall go around 1300 - 1500 mm rain per year.


Fshati raboshte shtrihet ne Veri te Lezhes 2.5 km nga rruga nacionale Lezhe - Shkoder dhe eshte pjese e Komunes Kallmet. Prejardhja e banoreve te ketij fshati eshte nga zona e Mirdites kryesisht nga zona e Oroshit. Lagjet apo fiset e fshatit Raboshte jane si me poshte: LagjaPocaj, Pemaj, Cunaj, Ballije, Spigj, Markaprenaj, Kolpalaj, Gjonokaj, Gjekaj, dhe Tataj.

-Fshataret e Raboshtes shquhen per patriotizmin dhe per ruajtjen e traditave dhe zakoneve te zonave nga kane ardhe.

Veshja tradicionale eshte veshja kallmetore dhe mirditore.
Banoret e ketij fshati zakonisht merren me bujqesi dhe blegtori. Shquhen per prodhimin e varieteteve te rrushit dhe kultivimin e ketij produkti.

VILLAGE RABOSHTE The village lies in the Northern Raboshte Clarendon national road 2.5 km from Lezhe - Shkoder and is part of the city Kallmet. Origin of the inhabitants of this village is the area mainly Mirdita Orosh area. Neighborhoods or village Raboshte tribes are as follows: LagjaPocaj, Pemaj, Cunaj, Ballije, Spigj, Markaprenaj, Kolpalaj, Gjonokaj, Gjekaj, and Tataj.

Villagers stand-Raboshtes for patriotism and for the preservation of traditions and customs have come from areas. Wearing traditional clothes is kallmetore and mirditore. Residents of this village usually deal with agriculture and livestock. Distinguished for the production of grape varieties and cultivation of this product.


Fshati Merqi eshte fshat i Komunes Kallmet , dhe gjendet ne Veri Lindje te Lezhes. Fshati kufizohet ne veri me Rraboshte nga Lindja me malin e Merqise i cili ndodhet 565 m mbi nivelin e detit .Nga ana perendimore, mali bie pak a shume gradualisht mbi fushen e Zadrimes . Ne veri te ketij mali ndodhen kodrat e Raboshtes me lartesi 300m te cilat mbasi nderpriten nga perroi i Kallmetit ,vazhdojne me Malin e Kallmetit ,q e eshte pjese e malit te Veles.

   Ne perendim Merqia kufizohet nga lumi  Drin dhe ne jug me qytetin e Lezhes . Ne veri kalon lumi Curraj dhe ne jug ndodhet Gryka e Zeze,n ga lindja kalon perroi i Gjashit .

Nje pjese e mire e zones kodrinore –malore shquhet per rritjen e kultivimin e ullirit , per prodhimet bujqesore , pervec duhanit toka eshte pak rendimentale . Kjo zone shquhet per patriotizmin, e tregon fakti se ne 1703 u mblodh kuvendi I arberit ne vendin e quajtur Kisha e Arberit.

VILLAGE MERQI The village is the village Merqi Kallmet city, and located in North East Clarendon. The village is bordered in the north by East with Rraboshte Mount Merqise which is 565 m above sea level. On the western, mountain falls more or less gradually over the field of Zadrimes. In the north of this mountain are Raboshtes hills with 300m height which once suspended from Kallmetit brook, continue with the Kallmetit Mountain, which is part of the mountain of Veles.

    We Merqia west bordered by the river Drin and south to the town of Clarendon. The river runs north and south Curraj throat is black, from birth Gjashit brook passes.

A good part of hilly-mountainous area known for increasing the cultivation of olive, for agricultural products, except tobacco land is less rendimentale. This area is distinguished for patriotism, and shows that in 1703 the assembly met I Know a place called Church of Know(Arberit).

Marre tek websiti www.kallmeti.com nga vete pronari i websitit Lek Gjoka

I got to the website as a separate www.kallmeti.com website owner Lek Gjoka

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