AboutUs Goals

OurWork/Mission Statement/Values ... Goals

AboutUs Strategic Goals
Goal What it Means
A Vibrant Community Welcome all logged-in people, provide world class assistance, facilitate peer review of all RecentChanges and increase the number of active members. Recruit and sustain a vibrant volunteer community.
Exceptional Content from Goals...

What it Means

Create standard pages

for every

Create Community pages

to draw communities to the site through

Exponential Growth Energize ViralSpirals that incent AboutUs community members to invite their friends. Establish technology for other sites that will promote viral growth for AboutUs (how does it promote viral growth?)
Sufficient Revenue Establish an advertising-, data- and publishing revenue stream that will:
  • support the operations of the Aboutus platform provider
  • creates income for the active members of the community
  • creates value for the stockholders
  • creates value for the cataloged website owners and their visitors

This arrangement is not meant as a partition of different mutually disjoint classes of people.

Active members can be at the same time

  • staff of the Aboutus platform as well as
  • stockholders or other constructive and friendly wikizens

All involved people are invited to collaborate in the spirit of contributing for the mutual benefit.

A Memorable Brand Establish AboutUs as our brand.
Robust Systems Become an Open Source [1] company with a reliable and scalable configuration and no single point of failure. Establish Continuous Integration Update Model [2] with scheduled update points.
A site we can be proud of Foster the idea that a quality site benefits everyone and that constructive participation is welcomed and honored. Segregate adult content and remove illegal content.

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