Having trouble with the CAPTCHA on Email us and we can create an account for you.

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

Captcha examples
CAPTCHAs are used to prevent spam robots from automatically filling out forms and submitting them.

A few of the many services that use CAPTCHAs are: MSN, Yahoo!, and craigslist.

There are also email web form programs that use CAPTCHAS such as: BestWebForms. With this type of service, a website owner places a web form on their website instead of having just an email link. Having an email link on a website can be easily "harvested" by spiders collecting email addresses for the purpose of sending spam. (No worries, because email addresses are automatically protected on AboutUs.)

We use the service from ReCAPTCHA which takes human solved words and applies them to computer programs to read scanned text.

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