Category:Political Philosophers

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Aristotle Bastiat, Frederic Chomsky, Noam Confucius Dewey, John Dunayevskaya, Raya Gramsci, Antonio Hamilton, Alexander Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hobbes, Thomas Hume, David Jefferson, Thomas Kant, Immanuel Kirk, Russell Locke, John Luxemburg, Rosa Marx, Karl Mill, John Stuart Nietzsche, Friedrich Nozick, Robert Orwell, George Paine, Thomas Philosophers Plato Political Philosophy Political Scientists Saul, John Ralston Smith, Adam Spooner, Lysander Stirner, Max Strauss, Leo Tocqueville, Alexis de Trotsky, Leon Voltaire

Pages in category "Political Philosophers"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.