
OurWork Edit-chalk-10bo12.png

What (summary)

Allows custom skins for certain specified pages.

Why this is important

Stoel Rives begins sponsoring the Portland Tech Portal on February 1st. We need to have the ability to change the skin at will for a given page, adding specific styles, logos, etc.


  • All PortlandTech pages show up with customized Stoel Rives/PortlandTech branding

Comments / Bugs

Please add your comments and bugs in this section.

Steps to get to DoneDone

  • Write a template tag that marks a page as having a certain skin and passes this info the skin on render.
  • Write a function in the skin that determine whether or not a page is marked as skinned, and determines which skins.
  • Build a nice-looking PortlandTech/Stoel Rives skin
  • Integrate the skin template tag into Template:PortlandTech

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