Title The Windows 2000\2003\XP Resource Center for IT Professionals


Excerpted from the website:

The first documented use of "lab mice" as a research tool was in 1909 by a Harvard undergraduate student named Clarence Cook Little. Since the mouse genome is 80% identical to our own, and they have the same systems and organs we do, they get the same diseases for the same reasons we do. In fact much of what scientists know about our immune systems comes from studying mice. Laboratory mice have helped discover penicillin as well as a number of vaccines including polio and rabies. They've even helped pioneer the techniques that make organ transplants possible. Research on AIDS, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and almost every type of cancer relies on mice. And since mice age faster and breed more rapidly than humans and many other animals, scientists have been able to test the effects of diseases over generations.
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