

Out of the Shadows


About Me

Someone wrote me the other day to ask about the writer of this blog. He wanted to know more about the person writing this blog. So, guess I should write a bit about her. That would be me actually. I’m middle age woman living in a small village in eastern Ontario. Always love that term “middle age”– middle of what age? Would that be middle of my life or just middle of the road? So, why not name the village? Well, as much as I want to think the best of people, safety is a factor.

In my working life, or part of it, I’m an insolvency consultant. I work as a service provider for a firm which does debtor representation. When people get into debt difficulties, my job is to work with them to get the credit restructured based on ability to pay. That often means a filing under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The BIA is meant to be rehabilitative. It helps people get back on their feet and get a fresh start. Most of the people I work with have gone through some sort of upheaval in their life which has thrown them off track financially. They want to pay their bills, just the ability to do so has gotten beyond them. Sort of like getting hit with a huge out control snowball. It just keeps getting bigger until it hits a wall and comes to a halt.

In another part of my work life, I’m a church secretary for an Anglican parish. It is also the parish I attend. So what is an Anglican? Well, in the US, we’re called Episcopalians, in the UK, Church of England is a term used. I’m part of the Anglican Church of Canada, specificially within the Diocese of Toronto. By virtue of being part of the Anglican Church of Canada, I’m also part of the worldwide Anglican Communion of which Canterbury, England is the heart.

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