Site where there is always time for reefing


ReefRocks R Us - ReefRocks R Us News


Excerpted from the website:

Why waste your money on buying hundreds of pounds of live rock when 80% of it will be buried under your display pieces and all the decorative accents to it die off anyway.
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Gautier MS 39553 US




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---Everyone is familiar by now of all the manmade rocks created to use in the aquarium reef enviroment. Untill this time all of these have had the same basic criteria; fill space, look decent(many failed attempts at this one), provide bacterial basis of growth and reproduction as capable, host corals or other marine life. Some have succeded and some have failed, and some should have never been attempted.

---While most of these "rocks" are decent in their attempt to fill this purpose they all fail in the most important area.........NITRIFYING BACTERIA PROMOTION and REEF GROWTH STIMULATION.

---This is where "BioRocks"(TM) enters into the equation. While most artificial rock producers work either on nice looks or beneficial additions very few if any made any rock creations to do both...LOOK GOOD and be BENEFICIAL to your REEF.

---"BioRocks"(TM) has engineered and brought to life not only a Great looking rock with many decorative accents, but it has also created the ultimate manmade inverterbrate, crustacean, coral, bacterial, propagation "rock" ever created!

---"BioRocks"(TM) are formed by the carefull mixing of Arogonite, Crushed Corals(reused dead beach washup pcs), Oyster Shells, Cement(our own custom mixture) and our own special "BioMedia" that is encased in the centers of our AquaCultured pieces of "BioRock"(TM) to ensure maximum growth area inside as well as the outside surfaces of the "BioRocks"(TM).

---These intergrated process have help us create the most advanced manmade ReefRocks that could ever be put into an aquarium enviroment. In fact our makeup of "BioRocks"(TM) has generated studies from local and state officials governing Aquaculture Laws pertaining to artificial reefs developement and implementation into the Gulf of Mexico.

---You can read more by using the following link.... About BioRocks:

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