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Folks, immigration as a problem is very simple. Just build the double fence along the border which has worked. Make it so tough for them to come over the border that the illegals will be discouraged and decide to either do it the legal way, go to their southern border and cross it or just plain stay home where these illegals belong and make something of their own country as millions upon millions of we Americans have done. Nothing was perfect for my wife and I when I came back from the service in World War II but we made the most of it including helping incorporate our town of Bloomington Minnesota and to this day our work was very good and much of our work is still in place today some sixty years later. You can say but living here was and is different than living south of the border. Sure it is and people have been saying that for about seventy years about Mexico. I say yes it is time to send these illegals home to their own country, let them take the bull by the horns and fix their country so that they can stay home and make a living. We all know that most of the illegals and lots of those here legally want to go home to Mexico when they can retire there. So why not send the illegals home, let the legal kids stay if they want to or go back with their parents if they want to. Then let’s change the law that makes kids legal citizens if they were born here. There is no sense in such a right that leads to such confusion. Why not send the illegals home and give them some opportunity if they have no record of laws broken to be issued a green card if they are doing work that is declared a service that is needed in this country and we have a shortage of such skills. I am so tired of our politicians wanting to in affect make 12,000,000 illegals legal citizens. No way should these people be made legal citizens. They are breaking our laws and one of the most serious laws we have that of entering this country illegally and expect to be a citizen of this great country. One can say but they have been here ten years and are doing a great job. Well if they murdered some one that would be breaking our laws and no one would give them the right to live here as a free person. The same goes for illegal citizens who are break our laws when they are here illegally. The last time we did something like this was under Regan when 25,000 Cubans were allowed here and Mr. Castro fixed us by sending criminals from his prisons to make us look really stupid. I fear we will in some way be foxed into doing something really stupid if we give tens of millions the chance to become legal citizens ahead of those who apply legally and wait years before being able to enter this country. With so many young people who are legal citizens now by the fact that their parents came here illegally but made them citizens because of being born here. This manpower pool will no doubt be enough that we really will not need their parents here to do so called jobs that average American citizens do not want to fill as they say. There is no good answer to this problem because our elected officials in Washington have delayed doing something for thirty years and it only gets worse each year until it comes time for the blood letting. When that time comes I would rather it was someone else’s blood not mine and other legal citizens of this country. So let’s build the double wall between the United States and Mexico. That’s a good first start and after that let the illegals apply for a green card if they have not broken any laws. After deciding their clearance for a green card let them work 5 years for the card. After that give them 5 more years to be approved for a permanent right to live here and become a citizen.
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