is for tips on removing all types of stains

Stain Removal

Tough stains are the worst! We spend hundreds of dollars on our wardrobes and hours of time and energy caring for them, and it only takes a few seconds to completely ruin something with a stain.

White clothes are especially bad about this! If you're a parent or a messy eater, forget wearing any light colored clothes.

Then again, you could check out Stain Removal. If you can name the stain, we can offer you free advice on how to get it out. In fact, we can probably help you get it out even if you can't name it!

Those of us who created the site are eager to share our expertise with you and help you avoid tossing out your grandmother's wedding dress just because you spilled a glass of wine on it during your rehearsal dinner.

Please check out our stain database for stain removal help before you throw out your clothes!

Here are some of the articles on Stain Removal:

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