
The News Beats


Excerpted from the website:

I had been an observer. I don’t doubt it now that I probably had, as a child, some terrible malady that today would have been treated with medication, and probably to my detriment. I stared forever out into space trying to understand what was taking place and why. When I reached young manhood, I found pen and paper and put them to use in trying to describe what I saw in hopes of making sense of it all. There resulted from the effort four lines of poetry I am still found of, but mostly the endeavor proved to be pathetic. I have had many pursuits and employments, but I occasionally returned to writing to taunt myself. I would take it patiently, for a week or two, and then get back to hammering rocks again. Then came the children, and I had to be reintroduced to a world I had not fully understood the first time I had seen it, and could not believe what had happened to it since I saw it last. The most disturbing part of this reemergence was the one occupied by public education. Over several years mixed with activism and oversight, I moved my three children from elementary school to private Christian schools.
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