User talk:David Tober

Hey David Tober: Welcome to AboutUs!

I noticed that you've added a great review to the page. Also, Kudos for using your real name on the site! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have or if you need any help.

To hear more about what's going on on the site and meet some other users, check out the DailyBuzz. Also, the blue menu bar on the front page will link you to pages discussing our philosophy, the basics of how to edit, and help if you need it.

Again, welcome to the community!


ChrisBabson | - message -

Great Reviews!

Thanks for following the standard review format - that makes life much easier and more beautiful. Have a good one!

KristinaWeis | **talk**

I like the reviews as well, but the Community Review heading usually goes below "Additional Info" (like this) :-). Hope you don't mind I'm moving things around for you. — Nathan (talk)/ 21:44, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
Just thought I'd very gently point out that you're still forgetting "Community Reviews" belong after "Additional Information", not at the bottom of the article. At the risk of being picky, it just looks a bit awkward-looking for the review to be at the bottom. Thanks. — Nathan (talk) / 20:50, 11 May 2007 (UTC)
By the way, __NOTOC__ only means "no table of contents". :) — Nathan (talk) / 21:04, 11 May 2007 (UTC)

Nice job on the reviews again! I made a new page for new community review people called CommunityReviewsFormatting but I should just tell them to copy your formatting by now. How do you post so many reviews each day? Amazing...
KristinaWeis | **talk**
He's very quick. — Nathan (talk) / 22:44, 11 May 2007 (UTC)

LOL, thanks guys. Ctrl c and Ctrl v is the key ;)