
Verisyse IntraOcular Lens for Myopia


A phakic IntraOcular Lens by AMO. The first phakic IOL to receive FDA approval. It is generally prescribed as an alternative to the LASIK procedure for patients with more extreme Myopia (see treatment range below).


Introduced in Europe in the late 1980's. As of 2006 over 150,000 implants have been safely implanted.

Treatment Range

Treats Myopia ranging from -5.0 to -20.0 Diopters. Typically used in patients 21 and over (due to developmental stage of the eye).


The Procedure

The lens is surgically implanted between the cornea and iris, effectively replacing the natural lens of your eye. The implant can be left in permanently with little to no maintenance, or it can be removed if so desired.

The implantation process is an outpatient procedure lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. The step by step breakdown (from Vision in Focus):

1) Eye drops reduce pupil size
2) The doctor pulls back your eyelids and holds them in place with an assisting instrument
3) A local anesthetic is applied
4) A small incision is made; the lens is implanted
5) The lens is maneuvered into place over the pupil and attached to the iris
6) The incision is closed with microscopic, self-dissolving stitches
7) A temporary protective shield is placed over the eye

Note: typically one eye is treated at a time.


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