

Westfield Yoga Center-Serving Western MA & Northern CT


Excerpted from the website:

The Westfield Yoga Center is owned and directed by two individuals who share a vision of maximizing individual health and community well being through the medium of yoga. Tom Swochak and Sally Barber had been married for 15 years in 1993 when they enrolled in Westfield Yoga Center’s inaugural class. Their intention “to do yoga together” was more than fulfilled: four years later they assumed ownership of the center! Their passion for yoga and commitment to bringing it to as many people as possible caused a part-time endeavor to become a full time venture for both of them. Tom’s business background in management/accounting and Sally’s experience in clinical rehabilitation and supervision create an ideal combination for managing a yoga center. Tom enjoys combining student and teacher support with the myriad business tasks essential for maintaining a viable enterprise. Sally loves teaching yoga to everybody, but balances classes with a variety of administrative and environmental tasks. Both are involved in program development and community outreach. Without its complement of caring and committed teachers, the Westfield Yoga Center would not touch the lives of so many in the greater Westfield area. As managers, Tom and Sally feel responsible for fostering the very best in their instructors. The teachers radiate so much love and support that it is a blessing to be associated with them. Blessings abound in the yoga business! It’s a blessing to ease peoples’ pain. It’s a blessing to make the world a more peaceful place. It is a privilege and a joy to serve in the capacity of directors of the Westfield Yoga Center.
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82 Broad St
Westfield MA 01085 US


Westfield Yoga Center, Tom Swochak
+1 413 568 8989

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